Life often demands a lot from us, which can bring us out of our mental balance. Various strategies with medicinal plants can contribute to more relaxation in a natural way.
Day after day, our psyche and nervous system are exposed to many different kinds of stress. We can be reached anytime and anywhere, we don't want to miss anything. Instead of allowing ourselves a moment of peace and quiet, we are on the Internet or turn on the television. Sounds, pictures, advertising messages infiltrate our brain - in the long run this can lead to excessive demands and to mental and psychosomatic complaints.
Fortunately, there is gentle and side-effect free help from nature. The correctly selected homeopathic remedy stimulates the self-healing powers and can envelop the stressed nervous system like a protective coat. In this way it helps to compensate for the daily stresses and strains. But it is also important to leave the hamster wheel, to escape the everyday madness with all its challenges and overkill and to allow the body to find balance and rest. Because our psyche is closely connected to the vegetative nervous system, which controls all unconsciously running bodily functions. Our organs are supplied with blood to varying degrees when we are in an alarming mood or at rest - so it is not surprising that many people complain of cardiovascular diseases and vegetative complaints such as sleep disorders, headaches or irritable bowel syndrome. Sensitive people in particular find it difficult to relax.
Whoever wants to be mentally healthy and stable today has to be completely with himself, deal with his environment and the demands and learn to say no. It is also helpful to integrate sufficient movement and relaxation into everyday life and consciously develop thought patterns that can reduce stress. In addition to movement and relaxation therapies and psychotherapies, nutrition can also have a major influence on psychological well-being. In addition, herbal medicine has various medicinal plants that have a positive effect on the nerves. Oats as a homeopathically potentised medicine is just as helpful against sleep disorders as hop cones, passion flower herb or lemon balm leaves. Valerian root also has a calming effect.
Lemon balm, especially lemon balm, is often consumed as tea and can be used for all nervous disorders. Lavender, on the other hand, has a relaxing effect and is suitable as a body oil, bath additive or room spray for external use. Bitter substances have a general strengthening effect, also on the psyche, via the digestion. It is therefore recommended for those who are mentally upset to incorporate more bitter substances into their diet, sometimes with chicory, endive salad, radicchio or artichokes. Yarrow tea or angelica tea are suitable as aromatic teas made from bitter substances. Through this bitter stimulus we can gain some ground again and return to ourselves.
Acupuncture, however, has an invigorating effect. It can help to remove blockages in the energy flow and thus have a positive effect on the psyche. Ultimately, everyone has to find out which strategy is best for them.
* This text may contain translation errors as the translation was performed by an online translation tool.